«There is always the first»
Annual report for «Rosno» (insurance company)
Annual Report illustrates the stories of people who were pioneers of outstanding achievements in various spheres of human life – science, invention, travel, etc. Thanks to the wonderful qualities of his personality, each of them has done what others only dreamed of. Hence the slogan of the annual report – «There's always a first»
«Many seek to conquer new heights» – Sir Edmund Hillary and the history of the conquest of Everest them;
«Many people dream of living in an open world without borders» –
Tim Berners-Lee and the history of the «World Wide Web»;
«Many people tend to gain stability and a secure base» – Joseph Monier, and the invention of reinforced concrete;
«Many people tend to find like-minded people, wherever they
may be» – Brad Fitzpatrick and the creation of a «Live Journal»;
«Many seek to be heard» – Alexander Graham Bell and the invention
of the telephone, etc.